Michael Yasumoto

Michael Yasumoto
Senior Forensic Examiner
Curriculum Vitae PDF


Master of Science in Computer Science from The George Washington University in Washington, DC
Graduate Certificate in Computer Security from The George Washington University in Washington, DC
College Certificate in Digital Forensics from Edmonds Community College in Lynnwood, WA
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from The University of Washington in Seattle, WA


Technical Editor & Contributor to X-Ways Forensics Practitioner’s Guide 2E
Technical Reviewer for Learning iOS Forensics, Learning iOS Forensics 2E, and Mastering Mobile Forensics


Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) 2020-2026 verify
Certified Advanced Windows Forensic Examiner (CAWFE) 2023-2026
IACIS Certified Mobile Device Examiner (ICMDE) 2023-2026
Certified Computer Examiner (CCE) 2013-2025
GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE) 2018-2026 verify
GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA) 2019-2027 verify
GIAC Network Forensic Analyst (GNFA) 2020-2028 verify
GIAC Reverse Engineering Malware (GREM) 2022-2026 verify
GIAC Advanced Smartphone Forensics (GASF) 2017-2029 verify
X-Ways Professional in Evidence Recovery Techniques (X-PERT) 2015-2027 verify
EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE) 2014-2026
Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME) 2014-2026
Certified Vehicle System Forensic Technician (CVST) 2021-2025
Certified Vehicle System Forensic Examiner (CVSE) 2021-2025